Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 25 Page 304 and Final Thoughts

Sayuri is a changed woman now that she had her misuzage. She is more mature and older now completely. She has become a full geisha now. She can turn her collar around as they say. All these traditions and customs that geishas have to actually finally become one is insane. There is so much you have to learn and do. Even though Sayuri is only eighteen she is going to be getting a danna, which is very young for her young age. Of course the guy that it is going to be is Nobu. It is almost like her life is over now. She will have to be devoted to him. What if he will want to have kids and everything with her already? I would not know what to think if I were Sayuri. She is probably hoping for that special someone to be her danna. Of course mother would do anything for money even if Sayuri must dedicate all her life to Nobu now. Hatsumomo sure got a kick out of Nobu being Sayuri’s danna since of all the scars on his face and all even though she does not have one so I really do not see what she is laughing about. That was very smart of Mameha to go collect her share of money from Mother since it will be a bad time for a while. I cannot believe what a crook Mother is. She is very frugal and a liar. She tried to rip Mameha off by only giving her ten percent instead of double what she offered. Mameha did everything for Sayuri and deserves all the money and mother really should not get any. Thank goodness Sayuri stuck up for Mameha instead of Mother or else I would have been upset with Sayuri. Since Sayuri did this for Mameha, she returned the favor by trying to talk mother into finding a different danna for Sayuri. I am not sure if it worked or not maybe they will say in the next few chapter. I hope Sayuri finds a different danna since she thinks of Nobu as a friends that would be kind of weird. I really wonder what is going to happen with the rest of this book. I really have no idea. I am thinking maybe in the end she will end up with the Chairman or even a totally new person that she really likes. In the end she is going to get out of being a geisha somehow and move to the United States. I really do not know how any of this will work out, but I am very curious. I will continue to read this book, but I really do not have time to blog anymore before my trip to Chicago, so I blogged up to page 304 and will continue reading while I am in Chicago because I can not wait to see what happens at the end of this books. I am really enjoying it. It is very interesting and educational at the same time. I learned a lot about the geisha society. I learned a little about Japan and the differences between the poor areas there compared to the rich party cities. I am anxious to see how this book ends up. I have become very fond of Sayuri and Mameha.

1 comment:

Irish said...

I understand. I have to say the detail in your responses have been amazing. This blog is what I had hoped it would be: A detailed look at the book, as it unfolds before the reader.

Your responses are SUPER detailed, and full of neat observations and comments. It was my pleasure being able to read them and see your thought processes as you journeyed through the story line.

I am curious however to see your thoughts about the ending. I had my own, and recall not being too fond as to how the book ended. Maybe sometime I'll have to ask you about it if we have time during home room.

I'm glad you liked the book. I'll warn you about watching the movie. It really was not near as good as the book. That said, I'm sure you will still enjoy seeing it.

Excellent work, 30/30 pts for the blog.

Mr. Farrell