Monday, January 28, 2008

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 was a very short chapter and not a whole lot happen in it. It mainly described the wrestling match in it. One thing I found interesting was the sacred tree where good children spirits were resting. I found it fascinating how young women would sit under them hoping for good children. It was pretty sweet how the entire village gathered around to watch the wrestling match. That would be very interesting to watch kind of like the sporting events we have now a days. I found it very weird that the one lady that talked to Ekwefi called her daughter “my daughter”. If I was the girl’s mother I do not know how I would react to that. Is this lady some kind of goddess or something? It was entertaining reading about the wrestlers and who won. I was glad they had a winner this year that would be a very boring match if it ended in a tie. The chant at the end of the chapter was cool. I can visual the village people lifting the winner up and singing that song; good times.


Special-K said...

I also wondered about that weird tree lol. The reason I think that everybody went to those wrestling matches was because they were basically like their Olympic Games.

the sheeman said...

I think Elaina hit it on the head. This is like the olympic games to the people. Excellent comparison. The woman you were wondering about I dont think was calliong ekwefi her daughter, she was talking about her actual daughter. I also agree w/ kurt, what the heck is up w/ that tree?