Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 25 Page 304 and Final Thoughts

Sayuri is a changed woman now that she had her misuzage. She is more mature and older now completely. She has become a full geisha now. She can turn her collar around as they say. All these traditions and customs that geishas have to actually finally become one is insane. There is so much you have to learn and do. Even though Sayuri is only eighteen she is going to be getting a danna, which is very young for her young age. Of course the guy that it is going to be is Nobu. It is almost like her life is over now. She will have to be devoted to him. What if he will want to have kids and everything with her already? I would not know what to think if I were Sayuri. She is probably hoping for that special someone to be her danna. Of course mother would do anything for money even if Sayuri must dedicate all her life to Nobu now. Hatsumomo sure got a kick out of Nobu being Sayuri’s danna since of all the scars on his face and all even though she does not have one so I really do not see what she is laughing about. That was very smart of Mameha to go collect her share of money from Mother since it will be a bad time for a while. I cannot believe what a crook Mother is. She is very frugal and a liar. She tried to rip Mameha off by only giving her ten percent instead of double what she offered. Mameha did everything for Sayuri and deserves all the money and mother really should not get any. Thank goodness Sayuri stuck up for Mameha instead of Mother or else I would have been upset with Sayuri. Since Sayuri did this for Mameha, she returned the favor by trying to talk mother into finding a different danna for Sayuri. I am not sure if it worked or not maybe they will say in the next few chapter. I hope Sayuri finds a different danna since she thinks of Nobu as a friends that would be kind of weird. I really wonder what is going to happen with the rest of this book. I really have no idea. I am thinking maybe in the end she will end up with the Chairman or even a totally new person that she really likes. In the end she is going to get out of being a geisha somehow and move to the United States. I really do not know how any of this will work out, but I am very curious. I will continue to read this book, but I really do not have time to blog anymore before my trip to Chicago, so I blogged up to page 304 and will continue reading while I am in Chicago because I can not wait to see what happens at the end of this books. I am really enjoying it. It is very interesting and educational at the same time. I learned a lot about the geisha society. I learned a little about Japan and the differences between the poor areas there compared to the rich party cities. I am anxious to see how this book ends up. I have become very fond of Sayuri and Mameha.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 24

Mother did decide to adopt her, which is a very good thing now Sayuri barely has to worry about Hatsumomo at all. In fact she can boss her around as much as she wants to. This was one of the most emotional and important chapters in the book. It was wear Sayuri’s mizuage takes place. It does seem that Mameha is a little upset of how the bidding for Sayuri went, since her danna ended up being one of the men bidding. That was a very strange twist to the story. I really did not expect the baron to bid for Sayuri, but I guess he was a little more than obsessed with her. I was shocked to see that Nobu had dropped out. He seemed so into Sayuri. I guess he was in it for more than what Mameha and Sayuri thought. The guys sure did auction off a lot. They paid a lot of money to be the first to explore Sayuri. This is a very weird concept I must say. It is rather gross if you ask me, and I feel really bad for Sayuri because she does not in anyway really like any of these guys. To bad the Chairman did not end up bidding for her or anything. He is probably too cheep for her. Sayuri was a very expensive girl. She made records technically not as much as Mameha, but still a lot of money. It just disturbs me how crazy this whole concept is and how obsessed some guys can be. It is actually uncalled for. This is what Sayuri has been preparing her whole life for and she barely has any idea what is going on. That is pretty amazing that her misuage had covered the cost of all the expenses she had. That is insane because she had a lot of debt built up. She is way more successful then Pumpkin is. The guy that ended up winning the bid was Dr. Crab, which was really weird because I would say he knows her the least. I really did not like this guy. He was crazy, messed up, and he makes me sick. I cannot imagine how nercous Sayuri was. She is giving everything she got to this man that paid dearly for her. He seemed very prepared. One thing that really grossed me out was the suitcase the guy brought with him. It had blood samples of every geisha he has been with. That is disturbing on so many levels. This part really made me want to vomit especially since the book went into great detail about it. To top it all off he kept a blood sample from when Sayuri had been in his doctor’s office with a cut and he was practically in love with it. This guy is a psycho in more than one way. He knew that Sayuri would be special the minute he laid eyes on her. That is just a little creepy if you ask me. The whole concept was an awkward mess why would some old guy pay to do that with a young girl. Sayuri definitely did not know what to do. At the end of this chapter Sayuri learns that the Chairman did not even invite her to his party, which means that he really did not care for her entertainment. I felt so bad for her at this point because I’m sure her heart was broken. This was just a very emotional chapter and the climax of the book I would say.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 23

Sayuri is getting older and more mature now I can tell by how she is starting to act and think. She has become very emotional and has been going through many events that will affect her the rest of her life. Sayuri is becoming a very popular girl. The artist that she had met previously had drawn the picture of her when he had first noticed her eyes. That remarkable picture that he had drawn of her is now all over the town of Gion. I would say her career is becoming a success. I would be very excited if I were her seeing my portrait on a poster everywhere. The dance recital event that she would be starring in sounds very intriguing and fun. The dance Mameha preformed seemed very deep and emotional, especially since when Sayuri said that she would never get the impression of the dance erased from her mind. Mameha must be an amazing dancer. Mameha sounds almost perfect in everything she does. She is one hundred times better the Hatsumomo. The book did not really describe how well Sayuri did in her dancing, but I am thinking that she did okay. I think it would be fun to attend and watch on of the dance events in Gion. I love watching people dance and perform things and they way they describe it in the book seemed like an awesome place. That was very nice of Nobu to wait for Mameha and Sayuri outside for so long. Even though he seemed very upset it took them so long he was still nice enough to give Sayuri a gift. I wonder if Mameha is becoming jealous at all this attention that Sayuri is getting. The gem that he gave Sayuri sounded very pretty, I would not have known what to say if I would have been in Sayuri’s shoes. Nobu is very interested in Sayuri. I wonder if he will be her highest bidder. I was surprised when Mameha told Sayuri to give Mother the gem that Nobu just had given her. I would have been upset to give it to that mean old lady especially since the Nobu gave it to her to enjoy. I guess Mameha knows what she is doing though, so it was probably a smooth move to give it to Mother. Now she knows Sayuri will be bid off her soon and that will give her a good advantage to adopt her. I think Mother could have been a littler more nicer though after Sayuri had handed her the gem, that made me a little mad. She is not appreciative of anything.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 22

I bet that would have been nerve racking to attend a party so far away without Mameha for the first time. I would have been scared on what to do, say or what would happen to me. I believe the Baron is very hot for Sayuri’s form. He sure did brag about her a lot to all of his guest making sure all the men got to meet her. It would have been weird to have everyone analyzing and taking pictures of me. Sayuri sure did get giggly when she seen the Chairman. The Chairman seems like such a good guy. As much as I want Sayuri to end up with him I do not think she will. He is so kind to her and nice, but there is just nothing there between them. I found it cute how the Chairman was so worried about if the Baron would like the gift he was. The sad part was that the Baron was so drunk that he barely had much of a reaction to the beautiful gift. I knew it was not a good idea for Sayuri to stay after the party so the Baron could give her a gift. He was way to fond of her to give her just a gift. She should have just gone home and not worried about it. He had some nerve to drag her to his bedroom. I would have been so scared if I were Sayuri especially since Mameha and the Chairman warned her how pushy the Baron could be. I cannot believe the Baron started taking off her clothes. That is such an invasion of privacy it is not even funny. I cannot even imagine what was going through Sayuri’s head. I was so afraid that the Baron was going to rape her lucky for Sayuri though he just examined her. He really had no right to do that though. Then in the end he gave her a beautiful kimono. I do not know if all that torture really would have been worth the kimono. I cannot imagine how hard it would have been to explain what happen between the Baron and Sayuri to Mameha especially since the Baron is Mameha’s danna. Despite the events that happen in this chapter I found it amusing that they have button up socks. I really cannot even imagine these kinds of socks. I would really like to see the pair. I would have been so embarrassed if I were Sayuri when the dresser was undressing me and he noticed that someone else had undone her clothes previously. I really would not have wanted to be in Sayuri’s position. I cannot imagine how emotional she must be right now.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 21

Mameha is a very clever girl. I like her a lot. She sure did get very excited when she knew that she could bring Dr. Crab and Nobu together in the same room. This is a very big deal for Sayuri, because they guys know who they will be competing against and Sayuri can flirt with either one while the other gets jealous. She sure could have a lot of fun in this position. While they were at the party she did have a very interesting conversation with Dr. Crab. He is completely into Sayuri big time he wants her badly. You can tell by the way he acts around her and the way his face reactions are described. I knew that the Baron was not a good guy. He is such a creep the way he talked about the beauties of women. He is a total pervert. I would feel so awkward if I were Sayuri because I know what these guys are after now, and even talking to them would make me feel uncomfortable. I really have no idea who I like better either Dr. Crab or Nobu. I really do not prefer either, which makes it hard to choose which one is the best. Nobu really does not like the Baron at all. I wonder why he even attended the party then, probably to keep Sayuri company. I find it very strange that the geishas walk the men to the bathroom. That is so weird and I really would not want to do that. Then what do they do casually wait outside until they are done? That is a little pathetic if you ask me. I cannot believe how offended the Baron became when Mameha said she would not be attending his party this year. He pretty much flipped out on her. It was like he was the most important guy in the world or something that she could not miss it. I guess he is a pretty important person in Mameha’s life though. I was a little confused when she mentioned something about a medical issue, and then said something about an abortion. Is she really going to get an abortion that day of the party? Do geishas get abortions all the time because that would be terrible and not right. Does that mean that Mameha is actually pregnant at the moment? That is really weird to think about. This would kind of be a very horrible life to lead. After the Baron learned of her medical appointment he did not seem as mad about her not coming, so I guess she really was getting an abortion. That was very nice, I think of the Baron to invite Sayuri in Mameha’s place. I wonder how Mameha feels about this? I would imagine not very happy but feels it would be best for Sayuri. For some reason I have a feeling that if Sayuri goes to the Baron’s party something bad is going to happen. The Baron seems like a very pushy man and I do not like him nor trust him. The only reason Sayuri is excited to attend this party is because the Chairman is going to be there, but I have a suspicion she will not even get to hang out with him or anything. It would probably be for the best that she drops this little crush she has on the Chairman because he does not seem that interested in her.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Memoirs of a geisha - Chapter 20

The conversation Sayuri had with Mameha changed her views and life forever. It would change any girl really. Hatsumomo really treats Pumpkin like a slave. She is always so tired and is pushed to her limits. She is constantly bossing her around. I feel really bad for Pumpkin and Sayuri really did not help much by pushing her to tell her what exactly Hatsumomo had said to Dr. Crab. Pumpkin had a mental break down to Sayuri. It is depressing to see what is happening to the girl. She hates Hatsumomo with a passion, but yet she has to put up with her crap every single day. She is one tough girl. Evil is too nice of a word to describe Hatsumomo she is a monster. Sayuri ended up getting the information she needed to get out of Pumpkin plus a bonus. Their Mother is planning on adopting Pumpkin, which in a way is happy for Pumpkin yet bad at the same time because if she does get adopted Hatsumomo will be staying in this place forever. Everyone will have to put up with her Sayuri’s whole lifetime career. Sayuri gave Nabu the gift that tells him she is ready to be bid on. They ended up plotting a time to run into Mr. Crab to give him his gift as well, which ended up going pretty awkwardly if you ask me. Like I predicted they had to beg for his trustworthiness and to believe them that Hatsumomo was lying about the whole neighbor boy thing. He eventually took the gift but I am not sure he was persuaded enough into believe them or Hatsumomo. It is kind of creepy that Mr. Crab is known for winning these kinds of bids on apprentice geishas. That is very sick if you ask me and to top it all of he has a wife. He seems like a pig if you ask me. I really do not know exactly where the book is going from here, but I am very curious.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 19

This chapter was a very important chapter. We learned a lot about what Sayuri’s main purpose for doing all of this is. They are going to pretty much be selling her virginity to the highest bidder. That is so sad and downright evil. I would be freaked out if I were Sayuri when she found this out. Especially since Nabu is known for these kind of things. He is the one that bought Mameha. That is not right at all, poor girls. I really would not want him around me no matter how nice of a man Mameha says he is. I find it amusing how repulsive Hatsumomo finds Nabu and that is why she has been being nice to Sayuri lately. She actually encourages her to hang out with this man. I really love the names that Sayuri gives to some of these people in the books. I really like Mr. Crab that is a good descriptive name. She sure has been hanging out with the artist and Mr. Crab. I cannot believe that Hatsumomo found out what Mameha has been planning to do with Sayuri, now she is going to ruin it. That was so cruel of her to spread a nasty rumor about Sayuri messing around with the neighbor boy just so the doctor will not bid on her. Hatsumomo really just needs to mind her own business, but in a way I guess Sayuri is her business. That was even cruel of the doctor to jump to conclusion and believe Hatsumomo without even confronting Sayuri about it. He just plain out ignored her after he found this out. I bet Mameha is going to have to beg him to come back to Sayuri and stuff. It was a very awkward position for Mameha to be in when she had to explain to what mizuage was. She describe it a very interesting way. I really cannot believe they are going to make Sayuri go through with all of this.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 18

I found it very ironic how at the same time when Sayuri had met the chairman is the same time when the electric company had been famous and all over the magazines. So any magazine she would have picked up would have had the chairman’s face on it. It is almost kind of cute how she researched him in like every news article that she could find. She really has it bad for him and they are like thirty years apart. I guess age does not really matter in this place. Sayuri had been very upset about Mameha’s kimono having a cut in it; them things must be really expensive because of how worried she was. That was actually very convenient that the kimono did have a whole it in because they used it very usefully. I cannot believe Mameha went to such the extremes just to meet this doctor guy. They must be really desperate to get Sayuri to meet this guy. I was shocked that they actually cut the poor girls thigh just so she could go to the hospital. That is the craziest, yet very smartest idea I ever heard of. That was a very clever move for Mameha only I felt really bad for Sayuri because she had to suffer with the pain. Sayuri seems like a very good actress, because when she showed the doctor her cut she played her part very well. The doctor seemed very shy and I really have no idea if he was impressed with Sayuri or not. I wonder if he really even believed that Sayuri fell while going to the bathroom or could he really tell it was a cut made on purpose. The artist guy that Mameha took Sayuri to seemed like a very interesting character. He was a very messed up man and very temperamental. I cannot believe they made him get mad enough to leave his own house then came back feeling a little better. He really has some anger issues. I found it strange that it took him so long to notice Sayuri’s eyes especially since he is an artist and all. I guess he just had other things on his mind. He seemed very intrigued with her though after he finally noticed them though. Her eyes are a major part of this book.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 17

It is kind of sad how bad Sayuri has it for the chairman. It is really weird if you ask me. She has dreams about him every night and even when he looked at her it brought chill to her. That is insane. What do these old guys really even want with young girls like Sayuri that is just wrong. I found it very amusing when Sayuri was trying to show off the beauty of the side of her arm as Mameha had showed her by pouring tea into the chairman’s cup and then there ended up not even being any tea in there. That made me laugh. I was surprised to see that the chairman remembered that the Kimono that Sayuri was wearing had once been Mameha’s. He must have a really good memory or the kimono must really be that beautiful. The whole town sure seems to get into sumo-wrestling. Nabu was obsessed with it and he was angry that the chairman did not feel this way. That is kind of pathetic. I found that the whole sumo wrestling match thing seemed a lot like a lot of our sporting events. It seemed like it would have been fun and interesting to watch. Myagiyama seems like a very good wrestler, everyone seems to be impressed with his works. I think it would be very entertaining to watch two extremely big guys fight each other. I wanted to scream when Hatsumomo showed up at this event as well. She really does not know when to quit. All because her one friend told her that Sayuri was there. Hatsumomo really does not have a life at all. I found that the chairman seems like a very generous and kind man. I hope for Sayuri’s fate that is whom she ends up with in the end, since she is crazy about him and everything. Nabu does not seem like a very nice and caring man. He seems rude, self-conceited, and very cranky all the time. I do not think I like him much, but I feel he will be an important character in this book. I really want to know what Mameha’s plan is; it seems like a good one that will help Sayuri out a lot. I wonder whom this other man is that she is going to have to meet.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 16

I do not know how I really feel about Pumpkin winning the apprentice award. She seems like a nice enough girl and deserves to be successful since she has to put up with Hatsumomo all day long everyday. It is sad that she is getting all her fame now and nobody will know who she is in the next five years. I wonder if everyone will know who Sayuri is by then? I really hope that Mrs. Nitta does not adopt Pumpkin because then it is not possible for anyone to get rid of Hatsumomo. I really want to see Hatsumomo fail and suffer because she definitely deserves it. I cannot believe Hatsumomo even tracked Sayuri down at every single party they attended just so she could ruin her reputation. She is such a witch in more ways than one. If I were Sayuri I would always be going crazy wondering what Mameha’s plans were for me because she is always afraid to say them allowed in case Hatsumomo may get wind of them. It was very nice of Mameha to lend Sayuri all the kimonos she lends her. I really like Mameha she is a very nice caring person, I just really hope she does not turn out to be a bad person or anything like that in the end. Mameha tries so hard for Sayuri to become successful and meet a ton of people. She even took her to a place in Osaka where they would be attending a sumo exhibition. I am very curious about the sumo-wrestling matches. I hope they explain what is going on during it in the next chapter or so. That was very polite of Sayuri to not stare at Nubo since he has a whole bunch of scars all over his face. That would be very hard to do. I was extremely surprised to see the chairman at the match as well, and a guy that she would be entertaining no less. That was a huge surprise to me, but know that we seen him in the book again I have this huge feeling he is going to end being a very big part. I find it disturbing how much she falling for this old man. I am very curious to see what happens next now that she sees it is the chairman. Wonder if she will get to talk and flirt with him? That could me exciting.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 15

I really cannot stand Hatsumomo at all she is so annoying. She always finds a way to ruin Sayuri’s life. I loved how in this chapter that Sayuri came back with her own remark about the hair situation. She totally made Hatsumomo look bad and like a fool. This now means though that Hatsumomo will try anything to get back at Sayuri for this. I hate how much Hatsumomo lies; she is always telling lies. I cannot see how someone would even listen to and believe all the crap she says. Now Sayuri cannot go out and explore all her options and be a famous apprentice geisha because Hatsumomo will do anything to destroy her. I wonder what kind of plan Mameha will come up with to stop Hatsumomo. I cannot wait for the day when Hatsumomo will be overpowered; that will be a very happy day. I would get so bored if I was Sayuri waiting for the day when Mameha comes up with a plan. She just has to hang out around the house all day instead of going out and becoming famous. I am really curious why Sayuri has that name instead of something that is related to Mameha, since that is what most little sisters are named after. Something does not make sense here. The Baron that Sayuri met at the end of the chapter seems like a very important person. I feel he will become a main character towards the end of the book. I found it interesting how Sayuri brought up her father at the end of the chapter as well and that this Baron guy reminded him of her father. Her father seems really low to me right now, I really cannot believe he sold his daughters to Mr. Tanaka. Since the baron guy is Mameha’s danna they sure do seem like strangers. Mameha seems so fake around him and would do anything he says. I really would not like to be in that position. I hate the fake acting. I was not very impressed with Mameha’s danna he was not very friendly and did not pay much attention to Sayuri.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 14

Chiyo finally gets to become an apprentice geisha. I would be very excited to make my debut if I were she. I really liked the caterpillar analogy in the beginning of this chapter. It really seemed to fit into the scheme of everything. I cannot believe that the hairdresser pretty much scalped Chiyo. That was terrible that he just kept scrubbing and scrubbing until all the dry skin was out of her head. That would have hurt so bad and while I was reading this part it even made my head feel hurt and scrubbed. It is very creepy and crazy that they put wax in the girls hair. That would be so uncomfortable. I can not imagine having my hair done like they do to the geishas. How often do they get this done? Everyday? The split peach hairstyle seems very interesting, I would kind of like to see a picture of it. I bet it would be very amusing. Just for their hair to be perfect they had to sleep on a stack of rice sacks. That would be so uncomfortable and if it was ruined in the morning they had to go through the torture of redoing it again. I would flip out at this part and probably quit at this point. The ceremony for the uniting of Chiyo and Mameha seemed very nice and proper, kind of like some kind of fancy party. Chiyo’s real geisha name now is Sayuri so I guess I will start calling her that from now on. It is kind of sad though that the little girl Chiyo does not exist anymore she is a totally different person. It seems like a lot of hard work to be a geisha even though they go to parties all day long. The story Mameha told at the party was very amusing it sure made me chuckle. It was about the guy that was spying on her and was absolutely obsessed with her. I think it would be very stressful to be a novice because they have so much of a reputation they have to look out for. That would be horrible that Hatsumomo showed up at the same party as Sayuri. I have this huge feeling she is going to do something very bad to Sayuri and may even ruin her reputation.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 13

That would be a killer watching Pumpkin become an apprentice geisha now, knowing that she could have been one all along if it were not for her previous activities. It is so weird how everyone calls her Pumpkin, which would be a really crappy name to be called. That is sad that Mameha had been busy traveling everywhere. I would get so bored if I were Chiyo. Mameha was traveling back and forth to places like Tokyo and other fancy places. I think it would be so cool to visit Tokyo. It seems like such a pretty place. That was just a very random thought that crossed my mind while reading this part of the book. It seems Chiyo is getting very grown up and mature looking, because everyone hardly recognizes her. That would be very fun but yet educational traveling the streets with Mameha all dressed up in a kimono. If I were Chiyo I would really enjoy all the attention everyone was giving her although I really do not like meeting new people so that part would not have been as fun. I found it very captivating how Mameha had thought that Hatsumomo had made Pumpkin an apprentice too soon. That would be one of the longest waits ever waiting for Mameha to let Chiyo to officially become her little sister. This was one of my favorite chapters so far. I loved how Mameha told Chiyo that she had to get a guys attention before she could become her apprentice. The fact that she told Chiyo that she makes statements through her eyes was so fascinating, because there is many times that people know how I am feeling just by the way that they look at me. People tell me all the time that I do most of my talking through my eyes. It was very cool to see how Chiyo made the waiter guy drop the tray just because she looked at him in a certain way. That was awesome and would have been really funny to witness. Chiyo is a very clever girl and it is about time for her to become a geisha. That whole eye part in this book was definitely the highlight so far for me.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 12

I believe that Mameha has something tricky planned because it is awful peculiar how she out of the blue wanted Chiyo to be her little sister. Something is not adding up here, even if Chiyo becomes a successful geisha there is still a little bit of a chance that she will fail. Mameha either has her hopes up very high or is very confident Chiyo will beat Hatsumomo. Mameha sure does have some strict rules about being a geisha; she is a perfectionist for sure. I think it would be extremely hard to be Chiyo. She has to live with Hatumomo and make sure she does not say a single word to her that could ruin her entire career. It would have been hard to go back to lessons after two years. I really admire Chiyo and all of her bravery. I found it very funny when the teacher said, “Such and such, does your flute smell bad? Well then why do you wrinkle your nose that way?” This really mad me laugh because I could just picture the girl doing this and it was a very smart remark the teacher said back to her. I felt so bad for Pumpkin when Hatsumomo grabbed her lip really hard like that. It is not fair to Chiyo or Pumpkin that they are not allowed to practice or even talk to each other anymore just because they are competing against each other. It should be their choice whether they want to talk to each other or not. Poor Chiyo lost one of her closest friends now and she did not even do anything wrong for it. If I were Chiyo I would really want to move out of the house and go live with Mameha, because she really has nothing to lose at that house she is living at now. How geisha get rich is very interesting. I cannot believe a man would pay that much just to be entertained. It is a little crazy if you ask me. I hope we get to meet Mameha’s danna that would be an interesting time. Mameha is really lucky to have a danna that is why she gets to live by herself have all them pretty kimonos and everything else. I think it is neat how dance is a geisha’s most important talent. I like to dance it is fun and exciting. That would really be bad though if the person was not good at dancing they would pretty much be screwed then. I find it very weird that Chiyo is still having visions about the Chairman she ran into a long time ago. This chapter was a very revealing chapter.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 11

That is so sweet that Mameha wants to be Chiyo’s older sister. I think they will get along quite nicely, especially compared to Hatsumomo. I would have been very confused if I were Mother because out of the blue Mameha the most successful geisha shows up at the door wanting to be Chiyo’s older sister. I would not know what to say. Mameha knows how bright and pretty Chiyo is and feels she will be a wonderful geisha. At least Chiyo will not have to be a maid anymore she is much too talented to be that all her life. I found it very funny that Auntie and Chiyo were both spying during Mother and Mameha’s conversation, and then Auntie finally caught Chiyo doing it so she shooed her away. So know Chiyo gets to be a geisha, which is very exciting. I think the competition is going to get very tense with Chiyo and Pumpkin now because they are almost competing against each other. I am very curious about how this entire ordeal is going to turn out.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 10

That was very random that Granny died. There was no showing of this coming or anything and how Chiyo found her dead was a little repulsive. She first noticed it by the smell coming out of her room, which is gross beyond so many levels. I cannot believe she died from plugging in the heater thing, that is a terrible way to go. She practically fried to death, at least that explains the smell. The funeral they had for her was very different from how we have funerals around here. They left Granny around for a very long time at least three weeks, while they cleaned the house for guess to come and visit. The whole town practically came to say their condolences. That would just be very weird and pretty much unnecessary. I felt bad for Chiyo when she ran into Mameha. I think Chiyo did react a little too fast though, like the girl would have even remembered it was Chiyo that ruined her kimono. She jumped to conclusion too fast and felt way too guilty. It seems though that Mameha really noticed Chiyo though, which is very strange, I bet this is not the last time we will hear from Mameha. It was also very intriguing how Mameha invited Chiyo to come visit and talk to her. I would really like to know what that girl is up to I can tell she has something up her sleeve.

Memoirs of a Geisha Chapter 9

Chiyo has to be a maid for the rest of her life, that would terrible knowing that what you are doing now is exactly what she will be doing in years to come. Especially since she has to watch Pumpkin train and prepare to become what she could have became. A geisha seems to have it nice; they drink all night long almost every night and party with guys. That would be a very interesting job, wonder if they ever get tired of it. I found it weird how they made such a big deal about Hatsumomo brought home the wrong clip thing for your hair. The chairman on the street that Chiyo ran into seemed rather nice, but yet weird. That was extremely polite of him to stop and notice her. I found it a little weird though that she had visions of him and seemed to really enjoy his presence there. Then later she had secret thoughts about him. She must a very poor lonely girl. Again he noticed her eyes as well, I have this feeling that her eyes are going to get her popular and maybe even famous. In the beginning of the chapter it said she was one of the most successful geisha so somehow she does end up not being a maid all her life. I really cannot wait to see how it all goes down.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 8

I was so surprised that Chiyo was actually going to try an escape after all the trouble she is in already, and the fact that her escape route was the roof, yeah not a smart idea. I would have been too chicken to even think about leaving that place, especially since I would have no idea what was going on or no official plan. Plus does anyone in their old town really want them there and didn’t her dad kind of sell her to that guy anyway. As predicted her whole roof plan did not work considering that she did not even make it out of the yard due to her falling off the roof. Chiyo ended up unconscious lying on the ground with some lady helping her out. I found the whole situation a little amusing but at the same time I felt really bad for Chiyo. It was sad that she broke her arm and it seem that they did not try too much to fix it compared to what we do with a broken arm. Now that she tried to escape and was caught her future is over. She no longer can be a geisha that is really disappointing I bet she would have been a good one. For some reason though I think she is going to end up working something out and become one anyway. The letter that was address to her was very depressing. For one the mother of the house would not even let Chiyo read it first even though it was in her name, that is not right. Everything in that box is all of the first part of Chiyo’s life. We found out both of her parents died and her sister escaped, made it home, and ran off with some guy. It is very good Chiyo did not end up escaping since she would have been abandoned, but it stinks that she was caught because now her life is over. She will have to be a maid the rest of her life. All that is left of her childhood is the religious tablets, which is way too disheartening.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 7

She found her sister! She is not in a very good place though and it is really sad to see what happen to her. I can’t believe she is a prostitute that is horrible. She did not even have a choice in the matter that is not right at all. The house she was staying out did not even sound very fancy and men seemed to come and go out of that place like crazy. That is ridiculous. It is a good thing Chiyo came when she did because Satsu would have been gone if she came any later. Chiyo was very brave and determined when she was talking to the women at the entrance of the house. They all seemed so jumpy and nervous though that Chiyo was there. Wonder why they are like that and if they would get punished for her being there. The plan that Chiyo and her sister came up with does not seem like a very well thought out one. I do not think it will work and I doubt Chiyo will be able to get away from the place she is staying at. Personally if I was Chiyo I would just stay put at her place because there is probably a big chance they will get caught and then she will end up in an even worse place just like Satsu. I really think Satsu should get away though, that is not good for women to be in a place like that. They really did not have much time to talk sadly because Satsu had another client to tend to. When Chiyo got back to her own place of course Hatsumomo was with her boyfriend. Hatsumomo spotted her as soon as she got in the door and set her up to look like she was up to no good. Again Hatsumomo blamed Chiyo for something she did not do, but at least this time Chiyo tattled on her as well for having a man in the house. It was nice to see that Hatsumomo actually gets punished as well, only if it was a little slap across the face. I can’t believe that Chiyo is going to have to pay for Hatsumomo’s brooch now as well. Chiyo has some major debt built up and she did not even do anything wrong.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 6

I found it a little strange that they unbutton their socks. That was just a really random thought and I can’t even imagine trying to unbutton my socks. I do not care if Hatsumomo is the only one that brings in the income to their house; they spoil her way too much and should really stand up for themselves once in a while. For example, making Chiyo stay up at night to wait for her to get home so she does not have to be alone is just ridiculous and half the time she comes home drunk. That would annoy me to no end. Not only does Hatsumomo come home drunk she brings a man home with her sometimes as well. She knows she is not allowed to have him there but she brings him anyway and expects Chiyo to not tell anyone about it. She is such a witch, actually worse than that. She is such a jealous person. She had no right taking the kimono from the other geisha Mameha just because she does not like her. That sounds a lot like what someone do around here if they do not like that person. The worse part about Hatsumomo’s situation was that she was not even doing the destroying of it she was making poor Chiyo write all over it and ruin it. That was just plain out cruel. I really do not like this girl. It is sickening how much control Hatsumomo has over Chiyo. Then it totally backfired on Chiyo because she has to pay for the damage done to it plus be beat while Hatsumomo gets away with everything. One day Chiyo will get her revenge I can feel it. At least now Chiyo knows where her sister is; she suffered a lot to get that little bit of information though. I do not think it would be a good idea to go look for her sister though; she could get into major trouble for that maybe even killed.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 5

Again the sumo wrestler Awajiumi mentioned something about Chiyo’s eyes. He described them as mirrors. It amuses me how everyone single person has noticed her eyes. I bet Chiyo is very annoyed with it though. I like how he said “I once saw a dead man fished out of the river, his tongue was just the same color as her eyes” That made me laugh it is such a good description. He also brought up how beautiful Chiyo is as well just like everyone else. I bet she will make a great geisha. I also enjoyed when Awajiumi brought up that Hatsumomo must be too pretty herself to see elsewhere besides her self. I think she is deep down very jealous of Hatsumomo. I am still very curious as to where they took Chiyo’s sister. She has to see her again because they keep bringing her back up. The people in the house clean themselves really weird. Do they even get in a bathtub or anything or just scrub up in a bathhouse out in the open down the road? That would be horrible having to go get a shower a little ways down the road, kind of like camping. The way a geisha gets ready for their day is crazy. There is so much preparing and stuff to do. It seems like they pile a bunch of make up on their faces too. I would not like that very much. It would get old after awhile. Even getting dressed like putting the kimono on seems like a lot of worker especially for the dresser. There is a lot of clothes under the kimono that the people don’t even get to see, it seems pointless to be there and would be very hot I imagine. Hatsumomo seems like a very pretty girl; too bad her attitude is so rotten. I wonder how old she is? I do not think that after all the preparing the girls have to do would be worth it in the end.

Memoirs of a Geisha- Chapter 4

This girl is very brave and she actually listens to all the commands these people are giving her. It must have been really hard trying to figure out whom to listen to, from the annoying granny to the complaints of Hatsumomo. What exactly are they trying to train her to do exactly anyway? The kimonos these people where in the house seem so fancy and pretty. I would like to see one of these kimonos they keep talking about. They are so expensive for just a dress like thing. I would even be afraid to wear them because just repaying the cost to have them fixed if something is wrong with them would even be expensive. This Hatsumomo girl seems very spoiled. Why does everyone have to treat her so nicely especially since she is so cruel to Chiyo and she did not even do anything to her at all? The other little girl in the house that Chiyo calls pumpkin seems very scared and worried. She has to obey every rule or she feels extremely guilty. She must have gotten beat pretty badly or something to be behaving how she is. The lessons the girls have to go through seem kind of fun, but a lot of hard work and concentration. That would be horrible to not be good at a particular talent though because the teacher picks on them pretty badly then. I think that Hatsumomo is going to be a pain in the future especially since the teacher just laughed when Chiyo told her that was the only geisha girl in their house.

Memoir of a Geisha- Chapter 3

I knew Mr. Tanaka was not a man to trust. He is such a creep. So did he sell the girls to somebody or did the girl’s parents sell them to Mr. Tanaka? I am so confused. I feel really bad for Chiyo because she has no idea what is going on or what is happening to her. Did their father tell Satsu what was going on because she seemed pretty upset and knew what was going on a little more than Chiyo did. I really don’t think the girls will ever get to see their parents again or that tipsy little house Chiyo always complained about. That is so sad. Wonder if their mom knows what happen to them or if she died already? Poor Chiyo thought she was going to go live with Mr. Tanaka and his daughter and wife, she had a big shocker there. I am not really like this Mr. Bekku guy either, he seems like as much of a creep as Mr. Tanaka. I would be so lost if I were Chiyo the poor girl is so young and is with out her parents now. The elderly ladies that run the house sound a little weird and demanding. There are so many rules Chiyo has to follow. I would be very agitated if I were her. I think it would be very awkward to call the ladies “mother”, “Auntie”, and “Granny” especially since they have no relation to Chiyo at all. These ladies don’t seem that pretty but they sure are amazed by Chiyo’s beauty. I wonder where they took Chiyo’s sister and if she will ever see her again.